Quality culture through effective instruments for Teachers and trainers (2013-2015)
The partners in this application share the same needs and future aims. We all use quality assurance systems, and self assessments to measure and improve quality. These are based on specific criteria and provide detailed and useful information on how our organisations have improved and what we need to do to improve more.
However, we find that teachers, trainers and teams are insufficiently involved in quality assurance, development and improvement. We regularly find that they view quality as a burden and as a threat and that they do not easily use the organisations’ processes to improve quality. We therefore would like to focus on: how can we create a culture of quality improvement that reaches, influences and impacts the actions of teachers, trainers and teams so that they can improve the quality of every day learners’ experiences in VET?
Aim: To provide a toolbox and a practical guide /method in six languages, with ready to use instruments for teachers, trainers, quality staff and mentors, to improve the quality of education.
- Develop a quality improvement culture in line with the VET-recommendations (see page 56), where teachers/trainers are active players
- Transfer partners’ proven Q culture instruments into other consortium organisations
- Connect management and teachers through the management brochure
- Provide an approach with supporting products (instruments), that can be used by VET providers across the EU to improve outcomes of learners
Our consortium brings together extensive quality management experience, but also characteristic cultural aspects. UK, IT, NL, ES are Vocational Education and Adult Training institutes. One partner is a university, responsible for the international reports, but also provides adult education and teacher training. The Greek partner provides teacher training for VET and on Quality Improvement. NL2 is a Centre of Expertise, and within the project will take care of directly connecting the labour field with our project. All will valorise the outcomes, do needs analyses research and a pilot will take place in several VET sectors. Outcomes are a project flyer and website, a management brochure, a teacher guide and product toolbox linking to QALL and the VET recommendations. The intangible outcome is the creation of a quality culture that includes our learners and will bring transparence, mutual trust and cooperation, an improvement in VET-education in general and therefore an improvement in the skills of the European workforce.Impact: The transferred products will be used in our institutes, creating an active culture of QA and improvement in our educational programmes for learners. All products will be made available on the website for use outside our consortium. Reports and products will be structurally valorised to networks like Kwaliteitszorg MBO/ISFOL/HETEL. We also foresee an impact on QA systems for VET/AE in EU, as well as systems like ECVET or EQARF.
Projektpartner: Landstede Group (NL), Coordinator; Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (DE); Politeknika Ikastegia Txorierri (ES); Westminster Kingsway College (GB); Stichting ECABO (NL); CIOFS-Formazione Professionale (IT); IDEC SA - CONSULTANTS - HIGH TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS - TRAINING (GR)
Gesamtprojektleitung: Margrieta Kroese; Landstede Group
Projektleitung Würzburger Teilprojekt: Prof.'in Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit: Kathrin Kaleja, M.A.
Zeitraum: November 2013 - Oktober 2015
Finanzierung: Programm für Lebenslanges Lernen LEONARDO Transfer of innovation
URL: www.qual4t-project.org