European Studies and Research in Adult Learning and Education (2013-2016)

The European Study and Research in Adult Learning and Education (ESRALE) project will coordinate and develop  European Research in Adult Education in a systematic way and with impact on formal qualifications: in developing a PhD-programme (EQF-level 8). ESRALE builds on study program within the EMAE (European Master in Adult Education) project and the experiences gained there. There is an urgent need to develop further the european studies in adult education in reflecting the problems and demands of competence raising in this field. ESRALE will focus on two main objectives:

  • Opening the access to the study program (European Master) for practitioners in the field and
  • Building up a european program for research and doctorates in adult education and learning.

To achieve these aims the already existing network is a great supportive precondition and basis of this application, but has to be further developed. To include even more competences in ALE (adults learning and education)-research  the partnership has to be widened, the study program has to be flexibilized, the access has to be opened and a doctoral school as well as appropriate forms (like delivery modes and summer schools) have to be conceptualized and implemented. The work has to be done on a collaborative basis and with mutual agreements like in EMAE (ERASMUS-contracts, special contracts amongst universities).

Besides regular coordinating meetings the communication amongst the partners and with students and researchers will be continuously organised by ICT-methods. A formative evaluation will be carried out by the German Institute for Adult Education Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning.

The built up structures (study program, contracts, doctorate schools, summer camps) will have a sustainable basis by being part of the regular study program of the partner universities.

Projektpartner: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (DE), Coordinator; Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung e. V. (DE); Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (RO); Opens external link in new windowPécsi Tudományegyetem (HU); Opens external link in new windowVytauto Didziojo universitetas (LT); Opens external link in new windowDublin City University (IR); Università degli Studi di Firenze (IT); Masarykova univerzita (CZ); Opens external link in new windowUniversitat de Barcelona (ES); Univerzitet u Beogradu (SER); Universität Würzburg (DE)
Gesamtprojektleitung: Prof. Nuissl von Rein, TU Kaiserslautern

Projektleitung Würzburger Teilprojekt: Prof.'in Dr. Regina Egetenmeyer
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit: Stefanie Kröner, M.A.
Zeitraum: Oktober 2013 - September 2016
Finanzierung: Programm für Lebenslanges Lernen - ERASMUS Multilateral Projects


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